§ 30-152. Revision of the Code of Virginia; construction of statutes relatingto titles amended.
The Code of Virginia shall continue to be gradually revised by revising onetitle at a time. The Commission shall have the responsibility for draftingtitle revision and recodification bills for introduction into the GeneralAssembly. During the recodification or title revision process, the Commissionshall evaluate the need for and recommend the repeal of any section orprovision relating to the revised title that has not been implemented duringany of the previous five years because sufficient funds were not appropriatedby the General Assembly. The House Committee on Appropriations and the SenateCommittee on Finance shall assist the Commission in determining whichsections and provisions of the Code of Virginia meet these conditions forrepeal. In the revision of each title, all other sections of the Code ofVirginia relating to the same subject matter shall be revised to the extentnecessary. Whenever in a title revision or recodification bill an existingsection of a title of the Code of Virginia is repealed and replaced with arenumbered section and that section so repealed was effective with anuncodified enactment, the repeal of that section, alone, shall not affect theuncodified enactment. The title revision or recodification bill shallexpressly repeal the uncodified enactment in order for the enactment to berepealed.
Whenever, during any session of the General Assembly, there shall have beenenacted any statute purporting to revise, rearrange, amend, and recodify anytitle of the Code of Virginia, such statute shall be deemed to have beenenacted prior to any other statute enacted at such session adding to,repealing, or amending and reenacting any portion of such title. Every suchother statute shall be deemed to have so added to, repealed, or amended andreenacted, as the case may be, such title as so revised, rearranged, amended,and recodified. Effect shall be given to any such other, or subsequent,statute only to the extent of any apparent changes in the law as it existedprior to such session.
(1968, c. 124, § 9-77.11; 1983, c. 260; 1992, c. 216; 1999, c. 121; 2000, c.154; 2001, c. 844; 2007, c. 614.)