§ 30-158. Powers and duties of Commission.
A. The Commission shall have the power and duty to:
1. Maintain offices, hold meetings and functions at any place within theCommonwealth that it deems necessary.
2. Conduct private and public hearings, and designate a member of theCommission to preside over such hearings. Pursuant to a resolution adopted bya majority of the Commission, witnesses appearing before the Commission maybe examined privately and the Commission shall not make public theparticulars of such examination. The Commission shall not have the power totake testimony at private or public hearings unless at least three of itsmembers are present at such hearings. Witnesses appearing before theCommission at its request shall be entitled to receive the same fees andmileage as persons summoned to testify in the courts of the Commonwealth, ifsuch witnesses request such fees and mileage.
3. Conduct studies and gather information and data in order to accomplish itspurposes as set forth in § 30-156, and in connection with the faithfulexecution and effective enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth withparticular reference but not limited to organized crime and racketeering, andformulate its recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly.
4. Submit an annual report of its recommendations to the General Assembly andthe Governor. The Commission shall make such further interim reports to theGovernor and the General Assembly as it deems advisable or as required by theGovernor or by concurrent resolution of the General Assembly. The chairman ofthe Commission shall submit to the General Assembly and the Governor anannual executive summary of the interim activity and work of the Commissionno later than the first day of each regular session of the General Assembly.The executive summary shall be submitted as provided in the procedures of theDivision of Legislative Automated Systems for the processing of legislativedocuments and reports and shall be posted on the General Assembly's website.
B. At the direction or request of the legislature by concurrent resolution orof the Governor, the Commission shall, or at the request of any department,board, bureau, commission, authority or other agency created by theCommonwealth, or to which the Commonwealth is a party, the Commission maystudy the operations, management, jurisdiction, powers and interrelationshipof any such department, board, bureau, commission, authority or other agencythat has any direct responsibility for enforcing the criminal laws of theCommonwealth.
(1972, c. 766, §§ 9-127, 9-128, 9-132, 9-134; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 1000.)