§ 30-168. (Expiresl July 1, 2012) Joint Commission on Health Care; purpose.
The Joint Commission on Health Care (the Commission) is established in thelegislative branch of state government. The purpose of the Commission is tostudy, report and make recommendations on all areas of health care provision,regulation, insurance, liability, licensing, and delivery of services. In sodoing, the Commission shall endeavor to ensure that the Commonwealth asprovider, financier, and regulator adopts the most cost-effective andefficacious means of delivery of health care services so that the greatestnumber of Virginians receive quality health care. Further, the Commissionshall encourage the development of uniform policies and services to ensurethe availability of quality, affordable and accessible health services andprovide a forum for continuing the review and study of programs and services.
The Commission may make recommendations and coordinate the proposals andrecommendations of all commissions and agencies as to legislation affectingthe provision and delivery of health care.
For the purposes of this chapter, "health care" shall include behavioralhealth care.
(1992, cc. 799, 818, §§ 9-311, 9-312, 9-314; 2001, c. 844; 2003, c. 633.)