§ 30-195. Duties of the executive director.
A. The executive director shall serve as curator for the architectural,historical, archeological and landscape features of Capitol Square. Neitherthe Council nor the executive director in fulfilling his responsibilities ascurator shall act in a manner inconsistent with subsection A of § 2.2-1144.
B. The executive director shall work under the direction and control of theCouncil and shall exercise the powers and duties conferred upon him by law orrequested by the Council pursuant to authorities conferred by this chapter.
C. The executive director shall be vested with the authority of the Councilwhen it is not in session, subject to guidelines or delegations prescribed bythe Council.
D. The executive director shall, upon request, act as an advisor to theGovernor, the Art and Architectural Review Board, the Citizens' AdvisoryCouncil on Furnishing and Interpreting the Executive Mansion and other stateagencies dealing with architectural, historical, archeological and landscapefeatures of Capitol Square.
(2002, c. 491.)