§ 30-196. Appointment of Commissioners; terms; compensation.
A. There shall be appointed by the Governor three Commissioners, who with theDirector of the Division of Legislative Services and any persons appointed aslife members are hereby constituted a board of Commissioners by the name andstyle of Commissioners for the Promotion of Uniformity of Legislation in theUnited States. The three Commissioners appointed by the Governor shall servefor a term of four years, with each such term commencing on October 1. ACommissioner appointed by the Governor shall serve until his successor isappointed.
B. Each of the appointed Commissioners shall hold office at the pleasure ofthe Governor, and excepting life members and the Director of the Division ofLegislative Services, shall serve for a term of four years. Vacancies shallbe filled by the Governor for unexpired terms.
C. The Commissioners shall receive no compensation for their services, buttheir necessary travel and hotel expenses shall be paid out of any funds thatmay be appropriated for such purposes.
(2002, c. 491; 2006, c. 661.)