§ 30-34.10:3. Fees.
For the services rendered in providing access to the legislative electronicinformation system, the Commission may charge and collect a fee for eachinquiry as determined by the Director of the Division of LegislativeAutomated Systems to be a reasonable and sufficient proportion of the costsfor maintaining the system and furnishing access. No fee, however, shall becharged to any agency of the legislative branch of the Commonwealth,including individual legislators using the information exclusively forlegislative purposes.
Users located outside the geographical limits of the Commonwealth shall becharged an access fee double that referred to in the preceding paragraph.
No person, firm, corporation or other entity shall receive access from thelegislative electronic information system for resale without first applyingto the Director of the Division of Legislative Automated Systems. Suchapplication shall be approved only on the condition that a fee equal totwenty-five percent of the resale charge is paid which shall be in additionto the other fees provided for in this section.
(1987, c. 214.)