§ 30-34.4:1. Request and distribution of state publications.
A. The Commission, through the Division of Legislative Automated Systems,shall distribute to each member of the General Assembly a checklist forselection of the Acts of Assembly, the Journals of the Senate and House ofDelegates, and reports submitted to the General Assembly or any committee,subcommittee, commission, agency, or other body within the legislativebranch. Any person who returns a completed form or written request shall bedeemed to have requested the publications so indicated on the form or request.
B. The Division of Legislative Automated Systems shall notify each individualentitled to receive state publications listed in subsection A of theavailability of the publications and that each will be forwarded to them bythe appropriate entity upon written request. The Division shall forwardrequested reports of legislative entities and shall notify each agency,institution, collegial body, or other governmental entity outside of thelegislative branch of the names of the members of the General Assemblyrequesting such entity's report.
(1987, c. 128; 1992, c. 857; 2003, c. 264; 2004, c. 650.)