§ 30-34.15. Submission of reports and executive summaries to the legislativebranch.
A. Any report required or requested by law or resolution to be submitted tothe General Assembly shall be submitted to the Division of LegislativeAutomated Systems as provided in the procedures for the processing oflegislative documents. Such submission shall satisfy the requirement forcommunication to the General Assembly.
B. Any report required or requested by law or resolution to be submitted toany committee, subcommittee, commission, agency, or other body within thelegislative branch or to the chairman or agency head of such entity shallalso be submitted to the Division of Legislative Automated Systems asprovided in the procedures for the processing of legislative documents andreports.
C. The reports submitted to the Division of Legislative Automated Systemsshall include an executive summary. The Division shall post the executivesummary and the report on the website of the General Assembly and develop anotification process to inform interested persons of such postings. Anyrequirement for a separate executive summary may be satisfied by thesubmission of a report with an executive summary.
D. The Director of the Division of Legislative Automated Systems and thepublishing authority may enter into agreements to provide equivalent accessto the report or the information contained in the report and such accessshall satisfy the submission requirement of this section.
E. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the release ofinformation otherwise held confidential by law.
(2003, c. 941; 2004, c. 650; 2005, c. 633.)