§ 30-205. (Expires July 1, 2012) Powers and duties of the Commission.
The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
1. Monitor the work of the State Corporation Commission in implementingChapter 23 (§ 56-576 et seq.) of Title 56, receiving such reports as theCommission may be required to make pursuant thereto, including reviews,analyses, and impact on consumers of electric utility regulation in otherstates;
2. Examine generation, transmission and distribution systems reliabilityconcerns;
3. Establish one or more subcommittees, composed of its membership, personswith expertise in the matters under consideration by the Commission, or both,to meet at the direction of the chairman of the Commission, for any purposewithin the scope of the duties prescribed to the Commission by this section,provided that such persons who are not members of the Commission shall servewithout compensation but shall be entitled to be reimbursed from fundsappropriated or otherwise available to the Commission for reasonable andnecessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties; and
4. Report annually to the General Assembly and the Governor with suchrecommendations as may be appropriate for legislative and administrativeconsideration in order to maintain reliable service in the Commonwealth whilepreserving the Commonwealth's position as a low-cost electricity market.
(2003, c. 885; 2006, c. 812; 2008, c. 883.)