§ 30-231.1. Brown v. Board of Education Scholarship Program created; purpose.
There is hereby created, from such funds made available for this purpose, theBrown v. Board of Education Scholarship Program, hereinafter referred to asthe "Program." The Program shall be established for the purpose ofassisting students who were enrolled in the public schools of Virginiabetween 1954 and 1964, in jurisdictions in which the public schools wereclosed to avoid desegregation, in obtaining: the adult high school diploma;the General Education Development certificate; College-Level ExaminationProgram (CLEP) credit; career or technical education or training in anapproved program at a Virginia community college or at an accredited careerand technical education postsecondary school in the Commonwealth; anundergraduate degree from an accredited public or private two-year orfour-year institution of higher education; a graduate degree at the mastersor doctoral level; or a professional degree from an accredited public orprivate four-year institution of higher education in Virginia.
(2005, cc. 753, 834; 2006, c. 518; 2009, c. 444; 2010, c. 579.)