§ 30-249. Duties.
In carrying out the purposes set forth in this article, the Commission shallhave the following duties:
1. Identify specific Bay management concerns requiring intergovernmentalcoordination and cooperation; and recommend to the federal, state and localgovernments that are involved in the Chesapeake Bay region legislative andadministrative actions necessary to effectuate coordinated and cooperativemanagement for the Bay;
2. Consider, in administering the provisions of this Agreement, the needs ofthe region for industrial and agricultural development and for gainfulemployment and maintenance of a high-quality environment;
3. Respect and support the primary role of the respective signatory statesand their administrative agencies in managing the resources of the region;
4. Collect, analyze and disseminate information pertaining to the region andits resources for the respective legislative bodies. The Commission shallprepare an annual report indicating the status of environmental and economicBay issues involving the Chesapeake Bay and the progress of coordinativeefforts by the member states;
5. Represent common interests of the signatories as they are affected by theactivities of the federal government and shall assist in the monitoring ofthose activities in the Chesapeake Bay region; and
6. Provide, as may be determined, a forum to serve as an advisory mediatorfor programmatic conflicts between or among the member states when suchaction is requested by the conflicting member states.
(1980, c. 662, § 62.1-69.13; 1985, c. 149; 2004, c. 1000.)