§ 30-283. Director, executive staff, and personnel.
The Commission shall appoint, subject to confirmation by a majority of themembers of the General Assembly, a Director and fix his duties andcompensation. The Director may, with prior approval of the Commission, employand fix the duties and compensation of an adequate staff as may be requisiteto make the studies and conduct the research and budget analyses required bythis chapter. The Commission may request that the staff of the JointLegislative Audit and Review Commission serve such purpose. Otherwise, theDirector and the executive staff shall be appointed for a term of six yearsand shall consist of professional persons having experience and training inlegislative budgetary procedures, management analyses, and cost accounting.The Director and any executive staff member may be removed from office forcause by a majority vote of the Commission. Such other professionalpersonnel, consultants, advisers, and secretarial and clerical employees maybe engaged upon such terms and conditions as set forth by the Commission.
(2007, c. 896.)