§ 30-305. (Expires July 1, 2011) Powers and duties.
The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
1. To undertake studies, gather information and data, and makerecommendations as may be necessary to accomplish its purposes as set forthin this chapter, including:
a. To evaluate the impact of state and federal energy statutes andregulations;
b. To identify reliable supplies of energy;
c. To pursue distributed generation plans;
d. To evaluate the upgrading electric power grids and other energyinfrastructure;
e. To evaluate the impact of carbon taxing, cap and trade programs, carbonsequestration, or other carbon measures on the rate payer and utility;
f. To evaluate the research, development, and use of alternative andrenewable sources of energy;
g. To evaluate remote power production;
h. To evaluate demand-side energy conservation by utilities and consumerswith appropriate return on investments by utilities;
i. To evaluate energy efficiency goals;
j. To evaluate renewable energy portfolios;
k. To evaluate all energy consumption and demand reduction alternatives,their ability to reduce energy growth, their cost effectiveness, economicimpacts on the Commonwealth, and impacts on the rate payers;
l. To evaluate programs that reduce energy consumption;
m. To evaluate low-income energy assistance programs; and
n. To evaluate rate decoupling, time-of-use pricing, building standards forenergy efficient commercial and residential buildings or public buildings,and transportation demand management. Wherever possible, the Commission shallexamine opportunities to couple the achievement of its purposes with economicdevelopment;
2. Make such special studies of and reports on measures to secure Virginia'senergy future as it deems appropriate or as may be requested by the GeneralAssembly;
3. Establish advisory committees composed of persons with special expertisenot represented by individuals serving on the Commission. Such persons shallserve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed from funds appropriatedor otherwise available to the Commission for reasonable and necessaryexpenses incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825, unless they waive reimbursement;
4. Apply for, accept, and expend gifts, grants or donations from any publicor private sources to enable the Commission to carry out its objectives. Noperson that provides a gift, grant, or donation shall be eligible for acontract award resulting from a Commission recommendation;
5. Review and make recommendations on legislation affecting energy policy tothe General Assembly; and
6. Report annually on its activities during the preceding year and include adiscussion of studies made and recommendations for legislative action. Thechairman shall submit to the General Assembly and the Governor an annualexecutive summary of the interim activity and work of the Commission no laterthan the first day of each regular session of the General Assembly. Theexecutive summary shall be submitted as provided in the procedures of theDivision of Legislative Automated Systems for the processing of legislativedocuments and reports and shall be posted on the General Assembly's website.
(2008, c. 882.)