§ 30-73.1. Joint Commission on Administrative Rules; purpose.
The Joint Commission on Administrative Rules (the "Commission") isestablished in the legislative branch of state government. The purpose of theCommission is to review (i) existing agency rules, regulations and practicesand (ii) agency rules or regulations during the promulgation or finaladoption process and make recommendations to the Governor and GeneralAssembly.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Agency" means any authority, commission, instrumentality, officer, boardor other unit of the state government empowered by the basic laws to makeregulations or decide cases.
"Rule" or "regulation" means any statement of general application, havingthe force of law, affecting the rights or conduct of any person, adopted byan agency in accordance with the authority conferred on it by applicablebasic laws.
(2002, c. 677.)