§ 30-71. Hearing criteria.
At each hearing which may be held pursuant to § 30-70, the standing committeeconducting such hearing and the agencies testifying shall respond to, but notbe limited to consideration of, the following questions:
1. What are the problems, needs, or missions that the program is intended toaddress and what has been accomplished?
2. What is the effect of the program on the economy including but not limitedto: competition, unemployment, economic stability, attraction of newbusiness, productivity, and price inflation to consumers?
3. Would the absence of any regulatory activity significantly harm orendanger the public health, safety, or welfare?
4. Has the program or agency carried out its mission in an efficient,economic, and effective manner?
5. What services could be provided and what level of performance could beachieved if the program were funded at a level less than the existing level?
6. What other state programs have similar, duplicate, or conflictingobjectives?
7. What federal activities have similar, duplicate, or conflicting objectives?
8. How does the agency ensure that it responds promptly and effectively tocomplaints concerning persons affected by the agency?
9. To what extent have the agency's operations been impeded by existingstatutes, procedures, or practices of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or ofother state agencies?
10. What action plans have been or are being proposed to improve agencyoperations where the need for improvements has been identified in previousexecutive or legislative oversight studies and reports?
(1978, c. 388; 1986, c. 302.)