§ 31-6. Guardians to give bond; surety thereon.
Before the appointment of any guardian for the estate of a minor, the personseeking appointment shall, in the court or before the clerk, take an oaththat he will faithfully perform the duties of his office to the best of hisjudgment and give his bond in an amount at least equal to the value of theminor's personal estate coming under his control.
Every guardian for the estate of a minor shall provide surety upon his bondunless it is waived pursuant to § 26-4 or, in the case of a testamentaryguardian, the testator's will waives surety; however, the court or clerk, onits or his own motion or the motion of another, may at any time, requiresurety upon a guardian's bond. Every order appointing a guardian shall statewhether or not surety is required.
When the same guardian qualifies upon the estate of two or more wards who aremembers of the same family, only one qualification and one guardianship bondshall be required.
(Code 1919, § 5318; 1926, p. 589; 1928, p. 1085; 1954, c. 398; 1995, c. 225;1999, c. 16.)