§ 32.1-331.13. Medicaid Prior Authorization Advisory Committee; membership.
The Board shall amend the state plan and promulgate regulations to establishthe Medicaid Prior Authorization Advisory Committee, composed of elevenmembers to be appointed by the Board. Five members shall be physicians, atleast three of whom shall care for a significant number of Medicaid patients;four shall be pharmacists, two of whom shall be community pharmacists; onemember shall be a consumer of mental health services; and one member shall bea Medicaid recipient. A quorum for action of the Committee shall consist ofsix members. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the Board, andvacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. TheBoard shall consider nominations made by The Medical Society of Virginia, theOld Dominion Medical Society, the Psychiatric Society of Virginia, theVirginia Pharmaceutical Association, the Virginia Alliance for the MentallyIll and the Virginia Mental Health Consumers Association when makingappointments to the Committee.
The Committee shall elect its own officers, establish its own proceduralrules, and meet as needed or as called by the Board, the Director, or any twomembers of the Committee. The Department shall provide appropriate staffingto the Committee.
(1993, c. 537; 1996, c. 515.)