§ 32.1-331.14. Duties of the Committee.
A. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Board regarding drugs orcategories of drugs to be subject to prior authorization and priorauthorization requirements for prescription drug coverage under the stateplan, as well as any subsequent amendments to or revisions of such priorauthorization requirements from time to time. The Board may accept or rejectsuch recommendations in whole or in part, and may amend or add to suchrecommendations, except that the Board may not add to the recommendation ofdrugs and categories of drugs to be subject to prior authorization.
B. In formulating its recommendations to the Board, the Committee shall notbe deemed to be formulating regulations for the purposes of theAdministrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.). The Committee shall,however, conduct public hearings prior to making such recommendations to theBoard. The Committee shall give thirty days' written notice by mail of thetime and place of its hearings and meetings to any manufacturer whose productis being reviewed by the Committee and to those manufacturers who request theCommittee in writing that they be informed of such hearings and meetings.Such persons shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard andpresent information. In addition, the Committee shall give thirty days'notice of such public hearings to the public by publishing its intention toconduct hearings and meetings in the Calendar of Events of the VirginiaRegister of Regulations and a newspaper of general circulation located inRichmond.
C. In acting on the recommendations of the Committee, the Board shall berequired to conduct further proceedings under the Administrative Process Act.
(1993, c. 537.)