§ 32.1-350. Fraudulently obtaining benefits; criminal penalty.
A. Any person who engages in the following activities, on behalf of himselfor another, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor in addition to any otherpenalties provided by law:
1. Knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made any false statementor misrepresentation of a material fact in an application for eligibilityunder this program or in order to participate in or receive reimbursementfrom the program;
2. Knowingly and willfully concealing or failing to disclose any eventaffecting the initial or continued right of any individual to any benefitswith an intent to secure fraudulently such benefits in a greater amount orquantity than is authorized or when no such benefit is authorized;
3. Knowingly and willfully failing to notify the local department of socialservices, through whom the benefits of this program were obtained, of changesin the circumstances of any recipient or applicant which could result inreduction or termination of the benefits;
4. Knowingly and willfully failing to provide any reports or data to theDepartment as required in this chapter.
B. Conviction of any provider or any employee or officer of such provider ofany offense under this section shall also result in forfeiture of anypayments due.
(1989, cc. 657, 746; 2002, c. 747.)