§ 32.1-353.1. Certified nursing facility education initiative; purpose.
The General Assembly finds that early identification of potential certifiednursing facility deficiencies, coupled with the opportunity to correct anysuch problems, will improve quality of care and life to certified nursingfacility residents in the Commonwealth. In order to implement the GeneralAssembly's finding, early on-site training and assistance shall be providedto certified nursing facilities that are found not in substantial compliancewith long-term care requirements and that meet certain requirements as setforth in the Nursing Facility Quality Improvement Program developed pursuantto § 32.1-353.3.
Creative and innovative approaches to the provision of long-term careservices may also be explored. Such measures can best be accomplished byusing the data, expertise, and knowledge of representatives of stategovernment and representatives from the consumer, long-term care provider,and business communities. For this reason, the Board of Medical AssistanceServices, assisted by the Department of Medical Assistance Services, shalladminister the education initiatives for certified nursing facility careestablished by this chapter.
(2000, c. 475; 2003, c. 481; 2007, c. 474.)