§ 32.1-353.3. Authorization to expend civil money penalty funds.
A. The Department of Medical Assistance Services, as administrator of thestate Medicaid program, maintains a fund comprised of civil money penaltiesreceived from nursing facilities as a result of enforcement of federal surveyrequirements. Pursuant to federal regulations, such funds shall be used forthe protection of the health or property of certified nursing facilityresidents.
B. In addition to the remedies specified in subsection A, the Director shallestablish a Nursing Facility Quality Improvement Program in compliance withall applicable federal and state regulations designed to improve the health,safety, and welfare of residents in nursing facilities. The Director shalldevelop the Nursing Facility Quality Improvement Program in cooperation withaffected state agencies, representatives of the nursing facility providercommunity, and advocacy groups.
(2000, c. 475; 2003, c. 481; 2007, c. 474.)