§ 32.1-37. Reports by persons other than physicians.
A. The person in charge of any medical care facility, shall immediately makeor cause to be made a report of a disease required by the Board to bereported when such information is available to that person and that personhas reason to believe that no physician has reported such disease as providedin § 32.1-36. Such report shall be made to the local health directoraccording to the provisions of the Board.
B. The person in charge of any residential or day program, service orfacility licensed or operated by any agency of the Commonwealth, school orsummer camp as defined in § 35.1-1 shall immediately make or cause to be madea report of an outbreak of disease as defined by the Board. Such report shallbe made by rapid means to the local health director or to the Commissioner.
C. The person in charge of any medical care facility, residential or dayprogram, service or facility licensed or operated by any agency of theCommonwealth, school, or summer camp as defined in § 35.1-1 may alsovoluntarily report additional information, including individual cases ofcommunicable diseases, at the request of the Department of Health for specialsurveillance or other epidemiological studies.
(Code 1950, § 32-49; 1979, c. 711; 1997, c. 271; 2008, cc. 367, 412.)