§ 32.1-45.3. Certain testing of gamete donors required; Board to establishtesting protocol.
Any person using donor gametes to treat patients for infertility byartificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, gamete intrafallopian tubetransfer, or zygote intrafallopian tube transfer or any other gamete, zygoteor embryo transfer or other intervening medical technology using sperm orova, shall, prior to using any donor gametes for such procedures, ascertainthe HIV status of the donor through testing as provided in Board of Healthregulations. The Board of Health shall promulgate regulations establishing atesting protocol for gamete donors.
As used in this section:
"Donor" means an individual unrelated by marriage to the recipient whocontributes the sperm or ova used in the procedures noted above.
"Gametes" means either sperm or ova.
(1995, c. 519.)