§ 32.1-46.1. Board to establish protocol for identification of children withelevated blood-lead levels.
The Board shall promulgate regulations establishing a protocol for theidentification of children at risk for elevated blood-lead levels which shall(i) require blood-lead level testing at appropriate ages and frequencies,when indicated, (ii) provide for criteria for determining low risk forelevated blood-lead levels and when such blood-lead level testing is notindicated, and (iii) require physicians to make available to parentsinformation on the dangers of lead poisoning, along with a list of availableresources, as part of regular well check visits for all children.
As deemed necessary by the Board, the protocol may also address follow-uptesting for children with elevated blood-lead levels, dissemination of theprotocol or other information to relevant health care professionals,appropriate information for parents, and other means of preventing leadpoisoning among children. In promulgating such regulations, the Board shallconsider the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention andmay consider such other materials relating to lead poisoning prevention,testing, and treatment as it deems appropriate.
(2000, c. 907; 2003, c. 463; 2007, c. 691.)