§ 32.1-48.07. Conditions for invoking the provisions of this article.
A. Prior to issuing any order of quarantine or any order of isolationpursuant to this article, the State Health Commissioner shall ensure that:
1. Any quarantine or isolation is implemented in the least restrictiveenvironment necessary to contain the communicable disease of public healththreat;
2. Any quarantined persons shall be confined separately from any isolatedpersons, to the maximum extent practicable;
3. Upon determining that any quarantined person can be reasonably believed tohave become infected with a communicable disease of public health threat, theinfected person shall be promptly removed from quarantine and placed inisolation;
4. The health and disease status of any quarantined and isolated personsshall be monitored regularly to determine if such persons require continuedquarantine or isolation;
5. Any quarantined or isolated persons shall be immediately released fromquarantine or isolation upon a determination by the State Health Commissionerthat such quarantined or isolated persons pose no risk of transmitting thecommunicable disease of public health threat to other persons; and
6. The site of any quarantine or isolation shall be, to the extentpracticable, safely and hygienically maintained with adequate food, clothing,health care, and other essential needs made available to the persons who aresubject to any order of quarantine or isolation.
B. All persons subject to an order of quarantine or an order of isolationshall comply with the order and the conditions governing their quarantine orisolation.
C. In the case of any person who has been quarantined or isolated in alocation other than a medical care facility, the State Health Commissionershall authorize health care professionals to enter the premises of quarantineor isolation. No person, other than such authorized health careprofessionals, shall enter the premises of quarantine or isolation, unlessauthorized by the State Health Commissioner. Upon determining that anyperson, who has entered the premises of quarantine or isolation, poses athreat to public health and safety, the State Health Commissioner mayquarantine or isolate such person.
(2004, cc. 773, 1021.)