§ 32.1-49.1. Definitions.
"Active tuberculosis disease" means a communicable disease caused by anairborne microorganism and characterized by the presence of either (i) aspecimen of sputum or other bodily fluid or tissue that has been found tocontain tubercle bacilli as evidenced by culture or other definitivediagnostic test as established by the Commissioner, (ii) a specimen of sputumor other bodily fluid or tissue that is suspected to contain tubercle bacillias evidenced by smear and sufficient clinical and radiographic evidence ofactive tuberculosis disease is present as determined by a physician licensedto practice medicine in the Commonwealth, or (iii) sufficient clinical andradiographic evidence of active tuberculosis disease as determined by theCommissioner is present, but a specimen of sputum or other bodily fluid ortissue containing or suspected to contain tubercle bacilli is unobtainable.
"Tubercle bacilli" means disease-causing organisms belonging to theMycobacterium tuberculosis complex and includes Mycobacterium tuberculosis,Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacterium africanum or other members as establishedby the Commissioner.
"Tuberculosis" means a disease caused by tubercle bacilli.
(2001, c. 459.)