§ 32.1-73.6. Implementation of state asthma management programs.
A. Using such funds as may be appropriated for this purpose, the Commissionershall implement programs to meet the objectives of the statewide asthmamanagement plan. The Commissioner shall assure, to the extent feasible andappropriate, that existing Department programs, systems, and infrastructureare efficiently utilized as a basis for implementation.
B. The Board shall promulgate regulations as necessary to implement theprovisions of the statewide asthma management plan.
C. The Commissioner shall report periodically to the Board concerning (i) thedevelopment and implementation of the statewide asthma management plan and(ii) the effectiveness of the Department programs in reducing the rate ofhospitalizations due to asthma in the Commonwealth and facilitating moreeffective management of asthma.
(2000, cc. 73, 134.)