§ 32.1-111.1. Definitions.
As used in this article:
"Advisory Board" means the State Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board.
"Agency" means any person engaged in the business, service or regularactivity, whether or not for profit, of transporting persons who are sick,injured, wounded or otherwise incapacitated or helpless, or of renderingimmediate medical care to such persons.
"Ambulance" means any vehicle, vessel or aircraft, which holds a validpermit issued by the Office of Emergency Medical Services, that is speciallyconstructed, equipped, maintained and operated, and is intended to be usedfor emergency medical care and the transportation of patients who are sick,injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless. The word"ambulance" may not appear on any vehicle, vessel or aircraft that does nothold a valid permit.
"Automated external defibrillator" means a medical device which combines aheart monitor and defibrillator and (i) has been approved by the UnitedStates Food and Drug Administration, (ii) is capable of recognizing thepresence or absence of ventricular fibrillation or rapid ventriculartachycardia, (iii) is capable of determining, without intervention by anoperator, whether defibrillation should be performed, and (iv) automaticallycharges and requests delivery of an electrical impulse to an individual'sheart, upon determining that defibrillation should be performed.
"Emergency medical services personnel" means persons responsible for thedirect provision of emergency medical services in a given medical emergencyincluding all persons who could be described as attendants,attendants-in-charge, or operators.
"Emergency medical services physician" or "EMS physician" means aphysician who holds a current endorsement from the Office of EmergencyMedical Services (EMS) and may serve as an EMS agency operational medicaldirector or training program physician course director.
"Emergency medical services provider" or "EMS provider" means a personwho holds a valid certification issued by the Office of Emergency MedicalServices.
"Emergency medical services vehicle" means any vehicle, vessel, aircraft,or ambulance that holds a valid emergency medical services vehicle permitissued by the Office of Emergency Medical Services that is equipped,maintained or operated to provide emergency medical care or transportation ofpatients who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated orhelpless.
"Operational medical director" or "OMD" means an EMS physician, currentlylicensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in the Commonwealth,who is formally recognized and responsible for providing medical direction,oversight and quality improvement to an EMS agency.
(1996, c. 899; 1999, c. 1000; 2000, c. 939; 2008, c. 118.)