§ 32.1-111.11. Regional emergency medical services councils.
The Board shall designate regional emergency medical services councils whichshall be authorized to receive and disburse public funds. Each council shallbe charged with the development and implementation of an efficient andeffective regional emergency medical services delivery system.
The Board shall review those agencies that were the designated regionalemergency medical services councils. The Board shall, in accordance with thestandards established in its regulations, review and may renew or denyapplications for such designations every three years. In its discretion, theBoard may establish conditions for renewal of such designations or maysolicit applications for designation as a regional emergency medical servicescouncil.
Each council shall include, if available, representatives of theparticipating local governments, fire protection agencies, law-enforcementagencies, emergency medical services agencies, hospitals, licensed practicingphysicians, emergency care nurses, mental health professionals, emergencymedical technicians and other appropriate allied health professionals.
Each council shall adopt and revise as necessary a regional emergency medicalservices plan in cooperation with the Board. The plan shall include aprovision that the Department of Criminal Justice Services and the VirginiaCriminal Injuries Compensation Fund shall be contacted immediately to deployassistance in the event of an emergency as defined in the emergency responseplan when there are victims as defined in § 19.2-11.01, as well as currentcontact information for both.
The designated councils shall be required to match state funds with localfunds obtained from private or public sources in the proportion specified inthe regulations of the Board. Moneys received directly or indirectly from theCommonwealth shall not be used as matching funds. A local governing body maychoose to appropriate funds for the purpose of providing matching grant fundsfor any council. However, this section shall not be construed to place anyobligation on any local governing body to appropriate funds to any council.
The Board shall promulgate, in cooperation with the State Emergency MedicalServices Advisory Board, regulations to implement this section, which shallinclude, but not be limited to, requirements to ensure accountability forpublic funds, criteria for matching funds, and performance standards.
(1996, c. 899; 2009, cc. 222, 269.)