§ 32.1-111.4. Regulations; emergency medical services personnel and vehicles;response times; enforcement provisions; civil penalties.
A. The State Board of Health shall prescribe by regulation:
1. Requirements for record keeping, supplies, operating procedures and otheragency operations;
2. Requirements for the sanitation and maintenance of emergency medicalservices vehicles and their medical supplies and equipment;
3. Procedures, including the requirements for forms, to authorize qualifiedemergency medical services personnel to follow Do Not Resuscitate Orderspursuant to § 54.1-2987.1;
4. Requirements for the composition, administration, duties andresponsibilities of the State Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board;
5. Requirements, developed in consultation with the Emergency MedicalServices Advisory Board, governing the training, certification, andrecertification of emergency medical services personnel;
6. Requirements for written notification to the State Emergency MedicalServices Advisory Board, the State Office of Emergency Medical Services, andthe Financial Assistance and Review Committee of the Board's action, and thereasons therefor, on requests and recommendations of the Advisory Board, theState Office of Emergency Medical Services or the Committee, no later thanfive workdays after reaching its decision, specifying whether the Board hasapproved, denied, or not acted on such requests and recommendations;
7. Authorization procedures, developed in consultation with the EmergencyMedical Services Advisory Board, which allow the possession andadministration of epinephrine or a medically accepted equivalent foremergency cases of anaphylactic shock by certain levels of certifiedemergency medical services personnel as authorized by § 54.1-3408 andauthorization procedures that allow the possession and administration ofoxygen with the authority of the local medical director and a licensedemergency medical services agency;
8. A uniform definition of "response time" and requirements, developed inconsultation with the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board, for eachagency to measure response times starting from the time a call for emergencymedical care is received until (i) the time an appropriate emergency medicalresponse unit is responding and (ii) the appropriate emergency medicalresponse unit arrives on the scene, and requirements for agencies to collectand report such data to the Director of the Office of Emergency MedicalServices who shall compile such information and make it available to thepublic, upon request; and
9. Enforcement provisions, including, but not limited to, civil penaltiesthat the Commissioner may assess against any agency or other entity found tobe in violation of any of the provisions of this article or any regulationpromulgated under this article. All amounts paid as civil penalties forviolations of this article or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto shallbe paid into the state treasury and shall be deposited in the emergencymedical services special fund established pursuant to § 46.2-694, to be usedonly for emergency medical services purposes.
B. The Board shall classify agencies and emergency medical services vehiclesby type of service rendered and shall specify the medical equipment, thesupplies, the vehicle specifications and the personnel required for eachclassification.
C. In formulating its regulations, the Board shall consider the currentMinimal Equipment List for Ambulances adopted by the Committee on Trauma ofthe American College of Surgeons.
(1996, c. 899; 1997, c. 248; 1998, cc. 803, 854; 2001, c. 466; 2003, c. 1020;2005, c. 921; 2006, c. 194.)