§ 32.1-111.5. Certification and recertification of emergency medical servicespersonnel.
A. The Board shall prescribe by regulation the qualifications required forcertification of emergency medical care attendants, including thosequalifications necessary for authorization to follow Do Not ResuscitateOrders pursuant to § 54.1-2987.1.
B. Each person desiring certification as emergency medical services personnelshall apply to the Commissioner upon a form prescribed by the Board. Uponreceipt of such application, the Commissioner shall cause the applicant to beexamined or otherwise determined to be qualified for certification. If theCommissioner determines that the applicant meets the requirements of suchregulations, he shall issue a certificate to the applicant. An emergencymedical services personnel certificate so issued shall be valid for a periodrequired by law or prescribed by the Board. The certificates may be renewedafter successful reexamination of the holder. Any certificate so issued maybe suspended at any time that the Commissioner determines that the holder nolonger meets the qualifications prescribed for such emergency medicalservices personnel. The Commissioner may temporarily suspend any certificatewithout notice, pending a hearing or informal fact-finding conference, if theCommissioner finds that there is a substantial danger to public health orsafety. When the Commissioner has temporarily suspended a certificate pendinga hearing, the Commissioner shall seek an expedited hearing in accordancewith the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.).
C. The Board shall prescribe by regulation procedures and the qualificationsrequired for the recertification of emergency medical services personnel.Such regulations shall include (i) authorization for continuing education andskills testing, in lieu of a written examination, with the signature of therelevant operational medical director; (ii) authorization for the relevantoperational medical director to require the written examinations administeredor approved by the Office of Emergency Medical Services, as deemed necessary,of certain emergency medical services personnel; (iii) authorization forexemptions from the written test for recertification by the relevantoperational medical director; (iv) triennial recertification of advanced lifesupport providers; (v) approval by the Office of Emergency Medical Servicesof continuing education modules in which each module may be testedseparately; and (vi) effective on January 1, 1998, a sequential option forthe completion of the skills tests for recertification.
D. The Commissioner may issue a temporary certificate when he finds that itis in the public interest. A temporary certificate shall be valid for aperiod not exceeding ninety days.
(1996, c. 899; 1997, c. 248; 1998, cc. 803, 854; 2008, c. 660.)