§ 32.1-111.6. Permits; agency; emergency medical services vehicles.
A. No person shall operate, conduct, maintain or profess to be an agencywithout a valid permit issued by the Commissioner for such agency and foreach emergency medical services vehicle used by such agency.
B. The Commissioner shall issue an original or renewal permit for an agencyor emergency medical services vehicle which meets all requirements set forthin this article and in the regulations of the Board, upon application, onforms and according to procedures established by the Board. Permits shall bevalid for a period specified by the Board, not to exceed two years.
C. The Commissioner may issue temporary permits for agencies or emergencymedical services vehicles not meeting required standards, valid for a periodnot to exceed sixty days, when the public interest will be served thereby.
D. The issuance of a permit hereunder shall not be construed to authorize anyagency to operate any emergency medical services vehicle without a franchiseor permit in any county or municipality which has enacted an ordinancepursuant to § 32.1-111.14 making it unlawful to do so.
(1996, c. 899.)