§ 32.1-122.03. State Health Plan.
A. The Board may develop, and revise as it deems necessary, the State HealthPlan with the support of the Department and the assistance of the regionalhealth planning agencies. Following review and comment by interested parties,including appropriate state agencies, the Board may develop and approve theState Health Plan. The State Health Plan shall be developed in accordancewith components and methodologies that take into account special needs orcircumstances of local areas. The Plan shall reflect data and analysesprovided by the regional health planning agencies and include regionaldifferences where appropriate. The Board, in preparation of the State HealthPlan and to avoid unnecessary duplication, may consider and utilize allrelevant and formally adopted plans of agencies, councils, and boards of theCommonwealth.
B. In order to develop and approve the State Health Plan, the Board mayconduct such studies as may be necessary of critical health issues asidentified by the Governor, General Assembly, Secretary or by the Board. Suchstudies may include, but not be limited to: (i) collection of data andstatistics; (ii) analyses of information with subsequent recommendations forpolicy development, decision making and implementation; and (iii) analysesand evaluation of alternative health planning proposals and initiatives.
(1989, cc. 617, 633; 2002, c. 83.)