§ 32.1-122.05. Regional health planning agencies; boards; duties andresponsibilities.
A. For the purpose of representing the interests of health planning regionsand performing health planning activities at the regional level, there arehereby created such regional health planning agencies as may be designated bythe Board of Health.
B. Each regional health planning agency shall be governed by a regionalhealth planning board to be composed of not more than thirty residents of theregion. The membership of the regional health planning boards shall include,but not be limited to, consumers, providers, a director of a local healthdepartment, a director of a local department of social services or welfare, adirector of a community services board, a director of an area agency on agingand representatives of health care insurers, local governments, the businesscommunity and the academic community. The majority of the members of eachregional health planning board shall be consumers. Consumer members shall beappointed in a manner that ensures the equitable geographic and demographicrepresentation of the region. Provider members shall be solicited fromprofessional organizations, service and educational institutions andassociations of service providers and health care insurers in a manner thatassures equitable representation of provider interest.
The members of the regional health planning boards shall be appointed for nomore than two consecutive terms of four years or, when appointed to fill anunexpired term of less than four years, for three consecutive termsconsisting of one term of less than four years and two terms of four years.The boards shall not be self-perpetuating. The Board of Health shallestablish procedures requiring staggered terms. The composition and themethod of appointment of the regional health planning boards shall beestablished in the regulations of the Board of Health. In addition, the Boardof Health shall require, pursuant to regulations, each regional healthplanning board to report and maintain a record of its membership, including,but not limited to, the names, addresses, dates of appointment, years served,number of consecutive and nonconsecutive terms, and the group represented byeach member. These membership reports and records shall be public informationand shall be published in accordance with the regulations of the Board.
C. An agreement shall be executed between the Commissioner, in consultationwith the Board of Health, and each regional health planning board todelineate the work plan and products to be developed with state funds.Funding for the regional health planning agencies shall be contingent uponmeeting these obligations and complying with the Board's regulations.
D. Each regional health planning agency shall assist the Board of Health by:(i) conducting data collection, research and analyses as required by theBoard; (ii) preparing reports and studies in consultation and cooperationwith the Board; (iii) reviewing and commenting on the components of the StateHealth Plan; (iv) conducting needs assessments as appropriate and serving asa technical resource to the Board; (v) identifying gaps in services,inappropriate use of services or resources and assessing accessibility ofcritical services; (vi) reviewing applications for certificates of publicneed and making recommendations to the Department thereon as provided in §32.1-102.6; and (vii) conducting such other functions as directed by theregional health planning board. All regional health planning agencies shalldemonstrate and document accountability for state funds through annual budgetprojections and quarterly expenditure and activity reports that shall besubmitted to the Commissioner. A regional health planning agency maydesignate membership and activities at subarea levels as deemed appropriateby its regional health planning board. Each regional health planning boardshall adopt bylaws for its operation and for the election of its chairman andshall maintain and publish a record of its membership and any subarea levelsas required by this section and the regulations of the Board of Health.
(1989, cc. 617, 633; 2002, cc. 83, 398.)