§ 32.1-122.10:004. Powers of the authority.
Any authority shall have the following powers:
1. Each authority is vested with the powers of a body corporate, includingthe power to sue and be sued in its own name, to adopt and use a common sealand to alter the same as may be deemed expedient, to make and executecontracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise ofthe powers of the authority, and to make, amend or repeal bylaws, rules andregulations, not inconsistent with law, to carry into effect the powers andpurposes of the authority.
2. To foster and stimulate the cooperative assessment and provision of healthcare in the community by local governments, private entities and volunteers.
3. To cooperate with local and state health care planning entities, andlocal, state or federal governments in the discharge of its duties.
4. To solicit and accept grants or donations from local, state or federalgovernments or any instrumentality thereof, private entities, or any othersource, public or private, for or in aid of any project of the authority toprovide health services as defined in subsection A of § 32.1-122.10:001.
5. To do any and all other acts and things that may be reasonably necessaryand convenient to carry out its purposes and powers.
(2001, c. 671.)