§ 32.1-122.21. (Contingent repeal date - see Editor's note) Health WorkforceAdvisory Committee.
The Commissioner shall establish a Health Workforce Advisory Committee toadvise him on all aspects of the Department's health workforce duties andresponsibilities identified in this article. The Health Workforce AdvisoryCommittee shall include representatives of (i) each of the Commonwealth'sacademic health centers; (ii) the Statewide Area Health Education Center(AHEC) Program; (iii) the Virginia Primary Care Association; (iv) theVirginia Health Care Foundation; (v) the Virginia Association of FreeClinics; (vi) the Virginia Association of Nurse Executives; (vii) health careproviders; (viii) health professions residents and students; and (ix) otherorganizations as deemed appropriate by the Commissioner.
(2000, cc. 175, 200.)