§ 32.1-122.22. Annual report of health workforce activities.
The Commissioner shall submit an annual report to the Governor and theGeneral Assembly regarding the Department's activities in recruiting andretaining health care providers for underserved populations and areas andhealth professional shortage areas (HPSAs) throughout the Commonwealth. Theannual report shall include, but not be limited to, information on: (i) theactivities and accomplishments of the Department during the report period;(ii) planned activities for the coming year; (iii) the number and type ofproviders who have been recruited to care for Virginia's underservedpopulations and practice in underserved areas and HPSAs in Virginia as aresult of Department activities; (iv) the retention rate of providers whohave located in underserved areas and HPSAs as a result of Departmentactivities; (v) the utilization of the scholarship and loan repaymentprograms authorized in Article 6 (§ 32.1-122.5 et seq.) of this chapter aswell as other programs or activities authorized in the appropriation act forprovider recruitment and retention; and (vi) recommendations for newprograms, activities and strategies for increasing the number of providers inVirginia's underserved areas and HPSAs and serving Virginia's underservedpopulations. The annual report shall be submitted by October 1 of each year.
(2000, cc. 175, 200.)