§ 32.1-122.6:01. Board of Health to award certain scholarships and loanrepayment funds.
A. The Board of Health shall award to eligible part-time and full-timestudents the nursing scholarships available from the Nursing Scholarship andLoan Repayment Fund established in § 54.1-3011.2 pursuant to the proceduresfor the administration of the scholarships awarded through § 23-35.9.
Eligible part-time and full-time students shall be bona fide residents ofVirginia as determined by § 23-7.4, shall be enrolled in or accepted forenrollment in nursing education programs preparing them for examination forlicensure as practical nurses or registered nurses, and shall also meet suchother criteria as may be established by the Board of Health. Prior toawarding any scholarship, the Board of Health shall require the recipient toagree to perform a period of nursing service in this Commonwealth for eachscholarship. The Board may establish variable periods of service asconditions for receipt of scholarships according to the amounts of theawards. In the event that fees are collected pursuant to § 54.1-3011.1, theBoard shall award the scholarships funded through such fees to practicalnurses and registered nurses in proportion to the funds generated by the feesfor licensure from such nurses.
Eligibility for these scholarships shall be limited to a total of fouracademic years. The scholarships shall be awarded on a competitive basis,considering the financial needs of the applicant, and all such funds shall beused only for payment of charges for tuition, fees, room, board, or othereducational expenses as prescribed by the Board of Health.
The Board of Health shall submit the names of the scholarship recipients tothe Board of Nursing, which shall be responsible for transmission of thefunds to the appropriate institution to be credited to the account of therecipient.
B. The Board shall establish a nursing scholarship and loan repayment programfor registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified nurse aideswho agree to perform a period of service in a Commonwealth long-term carefacility pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Board in cooperation withthe Board of Nursing. The Board shall submit the names of the scholarship andloan repayment recipients to the Board of Nursing, which shall be responsiblefor transmission of the funds to the appropriate educational or financialinstitution to be credited to the account of the recipient.
1. The nursing scholarships authorized by this subsection shall be awarded toeligible part-time and full-time students who are bona fide residents ofVirginia as determined by § 23-7.4 and who are (a) accepted for enrollment orare enrolled in approved nursing education programs preparing them forexamination for licensure as practical nurses or registered nurses or (b)accepted for enrollment or enrolled in approved nurse aide education programspreparing them for certification as authorized in Chapter 30 (§ 54.1-3000 etseq.) of Title 54.1. Prior to awarding any scholarship, the Board shallrequire the recipient to agree to perform a period of nursing service in along-term care facility in the Commonwealth for each scholarship. The Boardmay establish variable periods of service according to the amount of theaward in a long-term care facility as a condition for receipt of ascholarship.
Eligibility for these scholarships shall be limited to a total of fouracademic years. The scholarships shall be awarded on a competitive basis,considering the financial needs of the applicant, and all such funds shall beused only for payment of charges for tuition, fees, room, board, or othereducational expenses as prescribed by the Board.
2. The nursing loan repayment program authorized by this subsection shall beestablished for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certifiednurse aides who: (a) are bona fide residents of Virginia as determined by §23-7.4, (b) have graduated from an approved educational program pursuant toChapter 30 (§ 54.1-3000 et seq.) of Title 54.1, and (c) meet such othercriteria as determined by the Board. Prior to awarding any funds, the Boardshall require the recipient to agree to perform a period of nursing servicein a long-term care facility in the Commonwealth as a condition for loanrepayment according to the amount of the award.
(1991, c. 669; 2000, cc. 240, 254; 2002, c. 290.)