§ 32.1-122.6:1. Physician Loan Repayment Program.
A. With such funds as are appropriated for this purpose, the Board of Healthshall establish a physician loan repayment program for graduates ofaccredited medical schools who have a specialty in the primary care areas offamily practice medicine, general internal medicine, pediatrics, andobstetrics/gynecology, and who meet other criteria as determined by theBoard. The Commissioner shall act as the fiscal agent for the Board inadministration of these funds. Prior to awarding any funds, the Board shallrequire the recipient to agree to perform a period of medical service in thisCommonwealth in a medically underserved area as defined in § 32.1-122.5 or ahealth professional shortage area designated in accordance with the criteriaestablished in 42 C.F.R. Part 5.
B. The Board shall promulgate regulations for the implementation of thePhysician Loan Repayment Program. Applications for participation in theprogram will be accepted from a graduate of any accredited medical school,but preference will be given to graduates of medical schools located in theCommonwealth.
C. Any loan repayment amounts repaid by recipients who fail to honor theobligation to perform a period of medical service in an underserved area asrequired by this section, and any interest thereon, shall be used only forthe purposes of this section and shall not revert to the general fund.
(1994, c. 111; 2000, c. 926; 2001, c. 188.)