§ 32.1-122.7:2. Powers and duties of the Virginia Health WorkforceDevelopment Authority; exemptions.
A. The Authority is authorized to serve as the incorporated consortium ofallopathic and osteopathic medical schools in Virginia as required by federalstatute to qualify for the receipt of Area Health Education Centers programs,legislatively mandated under the Public Health Service Act as amended, TitleVII, Section 751, and 42 U.S.C. § 294a, and to administer federal, state, andlocal programs as needed to carry out its public purpose and objectives. TheAuthority is further authorized to exercise independently the powersconferred by this section in furtherance of its corporate and public purposesto benefit citizens and such other persons who might be served by theAuthority.
B. The Authority is authorized to monitor, collect, and track data pertainingto health care delivery, training, and education from Virginia educationalinstitutions and other entities as needed to carry out its public purpose andobjectives in areas where such data efforts do not already exist.
C. The Authority shall have the authority to assess policies, engage inpolicy development, and make policy recommendations.
D. The Authority shall have the authority to apply for and accept federal,state, and local public and private grants, loans, appropriations, anddonations; hire and compensate staff, including an executive director; rent,lease, buy, own, acquire, and dispose of property, real or personal;participate in joint ventures, including to make contracts and otheragreements with public and private entities in order to carry out its publicpurpose and objectives; and make bylaws for the management and regulation ofits affairs.
E. The Authority shall be exempt from the provisions of Chapters 29 (§2.2-2900 et seq.) and 43 (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) of Title 2.2.
F. The exercise of powers granted by this article and the undertaking ofactivities in the furtherance of the purpose of the Authority shallconstitute the performance of essential governmental functions. Therefore,the Authority shall be exempt from any tax or assessment upon any project orproperty acquired or used by the Authority under the provisions of thisarticle or upon the income therefrom, including sales and use taxes ontangible personal property used in the operation of the Authority. Thisexemption shall not extend to persons conducting business for which local orstate taxes would otherwise be required.
(2010, cc. 187, 488.)