§ 32.1-162.20. Applicability of federal policies.
Human research which is subject to policies and regulations for theprotection of human subjects promulgated by any agency of the federalgovernment shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
In lieu of promulgating regulations pursuant to the requirements of thischapter, an institution or agency may comply with this chapter bypromulgating regulations under the provisions of the Administrative ProcessAct (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) governing human research projects which incorporate,explicitly or by reference, federal policies and regulations for theprotection of human subjects. However, in the case of projects which are notrequired, by reason of their nature, the source of their funding, or the lackthereof, to comply with federal policies and regulations, the institution oragency may enforce compliance by filing a petition for an injunction in theappropriate circuit court. This section shall not preclude any otherenforcement action available to the institution or agency.
(1979, c. 38, § 37.1-237; 1992, c. 603.)