§ 32.1-126.3. Fire suppression systems required in hospitals.
After January 1, 1998, the Commissioner shall not issue a license to or renewthe license of any hospital, regardless of when such facility wasconstructed, unless the hospital is equipped with an automatic sprinklersystem which complies with the regulations of the Board of Housing andCommunity Development.
The Commissioner may, at his discretion, extend the time for compliance withthis section for any hospital that can demonstrate (i) its inability tocomply, if such hospital submits, prior to January 1, 1998, a plan forcompliance by a date certain which shall be no later than July 1, 1998, or(ii) that construction is underway for a new facility to house the servicescurrently located in the noncomplying facility and that such constructionwill be completed and the noncomplying facility relocated by December 31,1998.
The provisions of Article 1.1 (§ 32.1-102.1 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of thistitle shall not apply to expenditures required solely for compliance withthis section.
For the purposes of this section and § 36-99.9:1, "automatic sprinklersystem" means a device for suppressing fire in patient rooms and other areasof the hospital customarily used for patient care.
(1995, c. 631; 1997, c. 552.)