§ 32.1-126.4. Hospital standing orders or protocols for certain vaccinations.
A. A hospital may provide or arrange for the administration under a standingorder or protocol approved by a member or committee of the hospital's medicalstaff of (i) influenza vaccinations and (ii) pneumococcal vaccinations, thuswaiving the requirement for specific written physician orders for influenzaand pneumococcal immunizations. However, no such standing order or protocolshall supersede a physician's authority to issue specific written ordersrelating to immunizations.
B. Any standing order or protocol authorized by this section shall requirethat the vaccinations be administered in accordance with the most recentrecommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention after (i) ascertaining that thevaccination is not medically contraindicated for the patient, (ii)determining the patient's wishes and any religious objections, and (iii)obtaining informed consent from the patient or his legal representative.
C. Vaccinations administered under a standing order or protocol shall bedocumented in the patient's health record.
(2006, c. 432.)