§ 32.1-137.3. Regulations.
Consistent with its duties to protect the health, safety, and welfare of thepublic, the Board shall promulgate regulations, consistent with this article,governing the quality of care provided to covered persons by a managed carehealth insurance plan licensee through its managed care health insuranceplans on or before December 1, 1999. The regulations may incorporate or applynationally recognized, generally accepted, quality standards developed byprivate accreditation entities, if such standards exist and as appropriatefor the type of managed care health insurance plan. The regulations shallalso include guidelines for the Commissioner to determine, in consultationwith the Bureau of Insurance, when the imposition of administrative sanctionsas set forth in § 32.1-137.5 or initiation of court proceedings or both areappropriate in order to ensure prompt correction of violations discovered onany examination, review, or investigation conducted by the Departmentpursuant to provisions of this article.
(1998, c. 891.)