§ 32.1-162.10. Inspections; fees.
The Commissioner may cause each home care organization licensed under thisarticle to be periodically inspected at reasonable times.
Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this article, anyhome care organization which has obtained accreditation or has been certifiedas provided in subdivision 3 of § 32.1-162.8 may be subject to inspection solong as such accreditation or certification is maintained but only to theextent necessary to ensure the public health and safety. If any such homecare organization fails to comply with the provisions of this article or withthe regulations of the Board relating to public health and safety, theCommissioner is authorized to revoke the exemption from licensure and requiresuch organization to be relicensed before it can again qualify for anexemption pursuant to § 32.1-162.8.
(1986, c. 633; 1991, c. 695; 2010, c. 790.)