§ 32.1-162.8. Exemptions from article.
The provisions of this article shall not be applicable to:
1. A natural person who provides services to a patient or individual on anindividual basis if such person is (i) acting alone under a medical plan ofcare and is licensed to provide such services pursuant to Title 54.1 or (ii)retained by the individual or by another individual acting on theindividual's behalf.
2. Any organization providing only housekeeping, chore or beautician services.
3. Any home care organization located in the Commonwealth that after initiallicensure is:
a. Certified by the Department of Health under provisions of Title XVIII orTitle XIX of the Social Security Act;
b. Accredited by any organization recognized by the Centers for Medicare andMedicaid Services for the purposes of Medicare certification; or
c. Licensed for hospice services under Article 7 (§ 32.1-162.1 et seq.) ofthis chapter.
(1986, c. 633; 1991, c. 695; 1995, c. 455; 2001, c. 515; 2010, c. 790.)