§ 32.1-163.3. Identities of persons making certain reports to remainconfidential.
The identity of any person making a report of an alleged violation of anyprovision of this article or any regulation of the Board of Health relatingto sewage disposal shall be confidential. However, the identity of suchperson may be disclosed (i) to the Commissioner, the members of the Board andpersonnel of the Department in the performance of their duties; (ii) when theidentity is included in materials which are the subject of a request forinformation pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, Chapter 37(§ 2.2-3700 et seq.) of Title 2.2; (iii) when the matter reported is thesubject of a hearing conducted by the State Health Department Sewage Handlingand Disposal Appeal Review Board; or (iv) when the matter reported is thesubject of litigation.
(1990, c. 468.)