§ 32.1-163.4. Procedures for application backlogs; individuals approved toconduct evaluations for septic system or other onsite sewage system permitapplications.
A. In any case where the local or district health department experiences aseptic system or other onsite sewage system permit backlog of fifteen workingdays from the application filing date, the Commissioner shall contract withauthorized onsite soil evaluators for the field evaluation of the backloggedapplication sites. The Department shall review these evaluations and mayapprove the permit applications upon finding that the evaluations are incompliance with the Board's regulations implementing this chapter. TheDepartment shall not be required to do a field check of the evaluation priorto issuing the permit; however, the Department may conduct such fieldanalyses as deemed necessary to protect the integrity of the Commonwealth'senvironment.
B. The Board, Commissioner, and Department of Health shall accept privateevaluations for septic system or other onsite sewage system permitapplications only from authorized onsite soil evaluators.
C. The Board's regulations shall include a definition of backlog providing aset number or a percent of the received applications.
(1994, c. 747.)