§ 32.1-166.1. Review Board; members.
There is hereby established, in the Department of Health, the State HealthDepartment Sewage Handling and Disposal Appeal Review Board, consisting ofseven members, appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by theGeneral Assembly. The members shall include one member who is a soilscientist; one member who is a professional engineer in private practice; onemember who is a residential builder; one member who is an academicprofessional engaged in research and teaching in a soils-related discipline;one member who has had experience in the field of enforcement of onsitesewage disposal regulations; one member who is engaged in private soilsanalysis work related to the installation of onsite sewage systems; and onemember from the public at large who may have experience in the installationof onsite sewage systems. The members shall serve at the pleasure of theGovernor.
(1984, c. 457; 1987, c. 47.)