§ 32.1-170. Regulations.
The regulations of the Board governing waterworks, water supplies, and purewater shall be designed to protect the public health and promote the publicwelfare and shall include criteria and procedures to accomplish thesepurposes.
The regulations may include, without limitation:
1. Requirements and procedures for the issuance of permits required by thisarticle;
2. Minimum health and aesthetic standards for pure water;
3. Minimum standards for the quality of water which may be taken into awaterworks;
4. Criteria for the siting, design, and construction of water supplies andwaterworks;
5. Requirements for inspections, examinations, and testing of raw or finishedwater;
6. A requirement that owners submit (i) regular samples of water forbacteriological, chemical, radiological, physical, or other tests or (ii) theresults of such tests from such laboratory as may be acceptable to theCommissioner;
7. Requirements for record keeping and reporting;
8. Methodology for determining the waterworks operation fee authorized by §32.1-171.1;
9. Requirements and criteria for the development and maintenance of anemergency management plan for each community public water supply for theprovision of pure water during any extended power outage; and
10. Such other provisions as may be necessary to guarantee a supply of purewater.
(Code 1950, §§ 62.1-47, 62.1-48, 62.1-51; 1964, c. 475; 1968, c. 659; 1977,c. 7; 1979, c. 711; 1992, c. 804; 2004, c. 317.)